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What are balance disorders?

Balance disorders like vertigo (a type of dizziness) are all too often occurrences that most people do not realize are treatable with therapy. The therapy for dizziness and imbalance is known as balance rehabilitation or vestibular rehabilitation therapy. At North Fork Physical Therapy, we employ specially trained therapists who regularly see patients for balance and vestibular rehabilitation. Our physical therapists will work closely with you and your physician to effectively address and solve your balance disorder and get you back to normal.

Where do vestibular conditions come from?

The most common conditions that we see for Balance & Vestibular Rehabilitation at North Fork Physical Therapy come from a wide range of injuries, illnesses, and disorders including:

  • Cervical Vertigo Syndrome (Disequilibrium)
  • Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo or BPPV (“Ear Crystals”)
  • Vestibular Neuritis and Viral Labyrinthitis
  • Mal de Debarquement syndrome
  • Ear or Other Viral Infections
  • Ataxia, Cerebellar Problems, Multiple Sclerosis, or Parkinson’s
  • Unilateral Vestibular Lesions/Hypo-function (UVL)
  • Bilateral Vestibular Lesions /Hypo-function (BVL)
  • Otoxicity, Acoustic Neuroma, and Perilymph Fistula
  • Post Trauma Vertigo
  • Motion Intolerance
  • Issues with Falling or Fear of Falling
  • Balance Dysfunction
  • Stroke
  • Hearing Loss
  • Migraines
What sort of therapy techniques do you use to treat vestibular problems?

Our physical therapists provide a conservative and non-invasive approach to balance and vestibular rehabilitation using different reliable and proven techniques, which are optimized for each individual patient. These treatment techniques include:

  • The Semont and Epley Maneuver
  • Canalith Repositioning Maneuvers
  • Gaze Stabilization Exercises
  • Brandt-Daroff Exercises
  • Physical Conditioning & Muscle Re-Training
  • Balance & Gait Training Activities
  • Strength & ROM Exercises
  • Patient Education
  • Manual Techniques for BPPV
  • Log Roll Exercises
  • Stress Reduction & Relaxation Exercises
  • Visual Dependence Training
How quickly can I recover?

Information about recovery here

What if medical or surgical therapy has not been effective?

When medical or surgical therapy has not been effective in relieving the symptoms of a balance disorder, vestibular rehabilitation may help. Vestibular rehabilitation is a proven, exercise-based treatment designed to improve function of the three critical systems that contribute to balance well being: the inner ear, the eyes and muscles in the legs. In addition, the therapy promotes the integration of signals from each system in the brain. Patients must be referred by a physician to participate in vestibular rehabilitation. Once referred, specially trained physical therapists create an individualized therapy program for each patient. The process begins with an initial evaluation, which usually takes 90 minutes. During this evaluation the patient’s medical history relative to his or her balance problem is reviewed, including prior hearing and balance testing. Further tests may be recommended to gather additional information. Treatment sessions at the Vestibular Rehabilitation Center last 45 minutes and are integrated with a detailed home exercise program.